The Benefits

Birthing people have been consuming their placentas for ages. While all “evidence” of the benefits is anecdotal, experience IS knowledge! I began offering this service because of my own experience with consuming my placenta. It was helpful to me in many of the ways listed below.

  • Pregnancy and birth deplete the pregnant person’s body of many essential vitamins and minerals. The placenta contains many of those vitamins and minerals and can help to restore what was depleted.

  • During the first trimester of pregnancy, the placenta takes over the role of producing hormones like estrogen and progesterone (previously produced by the ovaries). After delivery of baby and placenta, it can take a few months for the ovaries to produce those hormones again, hence the “hormonal rollercoaster” that many people experience during the immediate postpartum period. Ingesting the placenta can help to smooth out that process by supplementing hormone levels and “filling the gap,” so to speak.

  • The placenta also contains prolactin, which is the hormone responsible for milk production for breastfeeding, and can help to increase milk supply for those who wish to breastfeed. 

  • Replenishing your body in these way after a birth can help to increase your energy levels, decrease the chances of postpartum mood disorders, and help speed up the overall healing process. 

A mother admiring her newborn.

What we Offer

Placenta Encapsulation, $250

Placenta Encapsulation


Placenta Tincture, 2oz

Cramp-Less Herbal Tincture (2oz) -helps to ease the discomfort of uterine cramp after birth


Placenta Tincture, 4oz

Placenta Tincture (2oz or 4oz)
Use for hormonal balance later (when weening baby, when period returns, etc)

2oz - $25
4oz -$45

Placenta Print, $35

Placenta Print


Placenta Print enhanced with watercolors, $50

Placenta Print enhanced w/ watercolor


Cord keepsake (umbilical cord dried in the shape of a heart), $10

Cord keepsake
(umbilical cord dried
in the shape of a heart)


A travel fee based on the current IRS mileage rate may be added depending on the distance of the pickup location from the specialist’s location.

Long distance option! Send us a message in the contact form for info about how to mail your placenta for encapsulation!

The Process

Your placenta will take 2 consecutive days to prepare. Preparation will take place in the specialist’s home unless another arrangement is discussed. 

Day 1 - the placenta is steamed and placed in a dehydrator for about 24 hours, until completely dry. 

Day 2 - the dehydrated placenta is ground into powder and used to fill empty capsules for consumption. 

You will receive usage guidelines with your completed placenta capsules and the specialist can answer any other questions. 

The number of capsules made depends entirely on the size of your placenta, as no fillers or additives are used. An average-sized placenta yields about 120 capsules. The smallest placenta we’ve ever encapsulated yielded about 75 capsules, and the largest was about 250.

Client Responsibilities

Have a conversation with your provider before your birth to make sure they’re aware that you’d like to take your placenta home with you. Most hospitals will just ask you to sign a release form. The only reason you would not be able to keep your placenta for encapsulation is if it has to go to pathology for any reason - it will not be returned to you.

  • Hospital birth: If you birth in a hospital, your team will place the placenta in a plastic bucket for you. You should bring a cooler with you to the hospital and place the placenta bucket in the cooler with plenty of ice. You can then place the cooler in your car and call us to arrange pick up.  

  • Home birth: If you give birth at home, just double-bag your placenta in gallon-size ziploc bags and place it in the refrigerator.

If it is not possible for the encapsulation process to begin within 72 hours after birth, please place the double-bagged placenta in a freezer. *If frozen, please defrost in the refrigerator for 24 hours before your scheduled pick up time. 

You can notify us as soon as you deliver to arrange pickup.

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